First Assignments
I am jumping a little ahead of what I said I was going to do but I ran out of time looking for good APA style resources and actually had to break down and do an assignment. The first assignments I have due are multi-paragraph "papers" to be posted in the class discussion forums. The strange part of this is one of my two classes is a math class. Yes, I have been assigned to write papers on Algebra. Does anyone know how hard it is to talk about math? That was probably the toughest assignment to get started for me ever! I did get started though and got it done but I am afraid to see if it has been graded yet. It is possible that it won't be graded until after the final due-date anyway but we'll see.
The second paper is for my Networking class. It won't be so difficult seeing as how I work in the industry and have a lot of familiar resources to call upon. I interviewed a co-worker today to get an idea of how a certain chemical company's network is set up and got a lot of really good information. I had already downloaded some whitepapers and saved some links to case studies on the web so I should have plenty of material to wrap up this report tonight. After that, I should be able to take a break until Saturday and catch up on the APA Style stuff.
I did use APA Style references in my Algebra report and I will post what I learned from that soon. Probably not tonight, but soon :) I have to be careful with this since many of my resources are copyrighted material so I will have to come up with my own examples and possibly do a proper "research" paper on the subject.
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